Assuming giraffe's land blows with their horns, properly called ossicones and having a surface area of about .01621m (2 4in diameter ossicones), the blow would hit at about 7*10^6 N/m*m. According to the table provided in the text book, this is not enough force to break limb bones (170*10^6 N/m*m), but it is close, a reasonably harder hit could potentially break bones.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
How Hard Does a Giraffe Hit?
Assuming giraffe's land blows with their horns, properly called ossicones and having a surface area of about .01621m (2 4in diameter ossicones), the blow would hit at about 7*10^6 N/m*m. According to the table provided in the text book, this is not enough force to break limb bones (170*10^6 N/m*m), but it is close, a reasonably harder hit could potentially break bones.
Quick calculation of how much ass you've received lately....