Saturday, November 7, 2020

Dr. Jedidah Isler

 Dr. Jedidah Isler is an American educator and astrophysicist. Dr. Isler currently works at Dartmouth College as an Assistant Professor of Astrophysics. Dr. Isler obtained her Ph.D. at Yale University, and has been a critical member of physics research ever since. Her research is conducted on blazars, or extremely large black holes. Additionally, Dr. Isler is an outspoken advocate for equity and diversity in STEM. 

Dr. Isler became fascinated in space at the age of 8 or 9, and later in life she combined her love for physics and astrology to study astrophysics. She attended Norfolk State University, majoring in physics. She then went on to attend Fisk University, obtaining her masters in physics. She then obtained another masters degree in physics from Yale University. Lastly, Dr. Isler attended Yale University and obtained a PhD in astrophysics, becoming the first black woman to obtain this highly specialized degree. Throughout her education, Dr. Jedidah Isler was one of the only black people, especially black women, to be studying what she was. This led her to later fight for diversity in STEM, and she has held TED talks and other talks on the need for inclusion in STEM. She also started Vanguard, a network that fights for inclusion in STEM.

Dr. Isler’s main research surrounds blazars, and studying the jets propelled out of these enormous black holes. She describes her research as looking into how nature conducts particle acceleration. She mostly observes the electromagnetic spectrum, and analyzes how black holes are thus able to act as particle accelerators.

Dr. Jedidah Isler is a fascinating, inspiring, brilliant, and up-and-coming physicist. I highly suggest that everyone looks into her research, her past, and the causes that she fights for. Additionally, Dr. Isler is currently hiring people for her research. So, if you are interested you can apply; however, you may want to obtain a Ph.D. first. 


By: Zack Kraushaar

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